Sorry I waited until the last minute to post - I was in New York visiting my grandparents.
Anyways, this loaf was simple and smells delicious. It's cooling as I type; I'll make sure to post about how good it is when we get around to dessert. That might not be til around 9 though, so hold your horses!
I used the "drop by teaspoons" marbling method, after reading the other ones on p. 229, figuring that would be the most obsessive-compulsive friendly :)

Good luck with both of your classes! You're going to learn so much. I'm glad you went home and retried the recipe. You're going to make a great chef!
Looks pretty (anal, but pretty!)
Just kidding - nice work!
Nice job! Enjoy your classes!
Looks like the OCD paid off...that is some of the best looking marbling I've see yet!
I'm impressed with your marbling skills!
Beautiful marbling! Thats a pretty dessert plate you used. Great job!
Your loaf is stunning - especially the picture of it from the top! I hope you liked it...
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